At the Norman North at Yukon football game, Norman North Principal Kim Garrett was presented a check for Science and Math education for Norman North High School by the people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas.
Ben Dasch
This support will be benefiting Norman North STEM programs and teachers. Ben Dasch is one of the staff members benefiting from the donation.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your hobbies, your passions.
When I’m not teaching, a lot of my free time still revolves around science (reading, listening to, and watching science publications), but I feel like the spirit of the question goes beyond that. I enjoy reading (mostly fiction with the highest percentage being fantasy). I listen to several weekly comedy podcasts and have just about every streaming service. Longer breaks are always going to involve traveling and being outdoors with my family. I’ve also found that the nature of parenthood is that your children’s hobbies end up being your own a bit as well (horseback riding, soccer, dinosaurs, etc)
What classes do/did you teach?
I teach Biology and Zoology.
Where did you go to college and what led you into teaching? Who mentored you into the educator you are today?
I went to Eastern Michigan University. I came to teaching late in my own education. I found a much greater joy in instructing than research. I am intrinsically motivated to talk about nature and curiosity which makes teaching science a wonderful fit.
Who mentored you into the educator you are today?
Many people have had a great deal of impact on me as an educator. If I had to single one person out, it would be Donna Queen. Now retired, she had a long career teaching science in NPS. I am fortunate that the beginning of my career overlapped with the end of hers.
What do you love about teaching?
I love getting to share my passion with young minds and hoping that they can relate or find inspiration therein. I love finding and/awaking curiosity that I have a chance to nutrition and in doing so keep my own thriving.
What is great about your current school?
Norman North High School has an amazing community of educators that I am happy to be a part of. I have also felt supported here while simultaneously being encouraged to continue growing.
The People of Oklahoma Oil and Natural Gas are committed to supporting STEM education. Why is teaching Science and Math so important?
While I do not expect all of my students to continue in STEM fields, I know that learning math and science offers unique “exercise” to the mind. It develops reasoning minds that can be applied to any pursuit.